
14 Pokemon Care Packages

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I’ve got to admit, I know less than nothing about Pokemon. When I was a kid– during the First Pokemon Craze– my parents weren’t keen on video games. We could play my dad’s Atari, but other than that, it was educational handheld games for us. And that was just fine with me. (Did I mention I was/am a nerd? Oh, you could tell? Cool.) TMNT was more my jam, anyway.

Pokemon care package inspiration! Perfect for deployment, missionaries, and college students.

I grew up and thought my nerdy secret was safe… until PokemonGo took over the world. Now, I’m back to being a clueless second grader while everyone else has an awesome time with their Jigglypuffs, Charzars, and Pikachus. (That’s all of the Poke characters I know, guys!) But I figured– hey, just because I’m hopelessly confused about the Second Pokemon Craze, doesn’t mean I can’t find care package ideas for those of you who love catching ’em all! I’ve got to admit, too, that going through all of the care package on Pinterest was really fun. Among other things, I found that there are a lot of dirty Poke puns out there… Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Pokémon GO from Flickr via Wylio
© 2016 Eduardo Woo, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio

For your Poke pleasure, here are 14 care package ideas for that special Slytherin (nope, that’s Harry Potter), Chewbacca (wrong again, that’s Star Wars), Pokemaster (there we go!) in your life.

Care Package Ideas:

Pokemon care package inspiration! Perfect for deployment, missionaries, and college students.

If you’re a Pokemon fiend, you’ve got to check out this video on how to craft realistic Pokeballs for your care package!

Make sure you check out my care package archives where you can find all kinds of care package and gift ideas on a bunch of different themes and topics.

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